-The Zulu population is located in South Africa which brings subtropical
climate and lots of sunshine with brief, intense rain showers and a lot of
humidity. A Sub-tropical climate brings summer temperatures from Nov-Feb,
ranging from 24-30 Celsius followed by winter temperatures at 20 Celsius
Mar-Apr. Temps very from 11 degrees at night to 30 degrees during the day. What
can cause stress for the Zulu people is the constant change in climate. Sunny
days followed by harsh rainy showers will cause long-term physical adaptations
because the climate is something the Zulu people cannot control. They can only
deal and cope with the living conditions they are dealt with. This stress is
climate changes can make it hard to maintain homeostasis because the weather can
destroy home, crops, animals; making it hard to eat, and perform daily routines.
To physically adapt to these conditions they have houses made out of Cow dung,
and tin roofs which is a positive thing considered what the population has to
work with. These houses are fit for the environment in which they live and
bring a possibility to return to homeostasis. A cultural adaptation is weaving,
craft making, pottery, and beadwork that the Zulu women bond together and make.
Women and children weave every day-use mats, beer sieves, and baskets for
domestic purposes that help benefit the population bringing more efforts of
homeostasis. I think it is very common to describe a culture by their race, but
i don’t believe it is always right. It also depends on what race is defined as,
but a race i would use that best fits the Zulu tribe are Africans. Based on the
past history and what Africans dealt with and the living conditions they have
are very similar to the Zulu people. The more reasonable approach would be the
physical and cultural adaptations i used to describe the tribe instead of just

Zulu - Introduction, Location, Language, Folklore, Religion, Major holidays, Rites of passage, Relationships, Living conditions http://www.everyculture.com/wc/Rwanda-to-Syria/Zulu.html#ixzz1sSUw7w4r
-The Andean Indians are directly in the tropics of South America, where the
climate is measured by precipitation and not temperature. Lowlands tend to be
hot but elevation tends to mess with the climate because the Andean Indians
live in conditions of high mountain ranges. The climate is very scattered as
you move throughout the land of South America through forest and elevated
plains but rainfall is the norm paired with heat throughout the year. A
physical adaptation is the lack of oxygen the Andean Indians get. Growing up in
the South American land you may not be able to tell the difference but it makes
it hard for people outside of the population to visit and adapt/ live where
they do, making it hard to better their livings conditions and expand in
different ways. This makes it hard to maintain homeostasis because with lack of
oxygen (hypoxia) followed by an increase of heart rate increases. This makes it
hard to perform physical tasks and get things done throughout the day. A
physical adaptation is controlling their breathing and building more hemoglobin
in their blood which increases lung expansion. This results in balancing their homeostasis
so they can cope better with the climate when performing more physically
demanding tasks. A cultural adaptation is nutritional diet (fruits, salads,
beans, etc) which the Andean Indians participate together to balance the
effects high altitudes have on their body so they can stay efficient. A race
most similar to the Andean Indians would be the Spanish in my opinion because
of their clothing styles.

Great post and great pictures! I think we used some of the same sources too! I said to another classmate that I really enjoyed their pictures because I couldnt really find anything good when I was looking but they found a lot of really cool pics. Where did you find yours? I thought the Zulu people were interesting because they're a nude tribe. When its super hot, i think we all consider joining a nude tribe.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post. I also liked your pictures. I may be mistaken, but I believe that a physical adaptation is a biological adaptation. For example: a fish adapted to breathe under water by growing gills. I may have missed your physical adaptation for the Zulu. If not, a good one could be their dark skin helps them in the sun, Their coarse dry hair keeps them cool. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job with your discussion on the Andean Indians. Good descriptions and the adaptations were accurate.
ReplyDeleteThe physical adaption you mention for Zulu is actually cultural. For your cultural adaptation, how does bead work help adapt to their environment? It is more of a social and perhaps economic adaptation.
You briefly discuss the issue of race vs. adaptations. You say it probably isn't "right" to define a population by race, but it depends upon the defined race. What did you mean by that?